real estate/mls/airbnb

Good photos are the first step to selling your property QUICK! 100% of people are looking for homes online (I totally made up that statistic, but I can almost guarantee it's true) and your photos will be decision maker on whether those shoppers are going to come look at your property or not. Hiring a professional photographer is one of the best investments you can make when selling real estate online. If your photos aren't making people say "Dayum, that house looks fancy!" then you need new photos. Call me, boo.


airbnb oklahoma city real estate photos

AirBNB prices are priced per rooms photographed.

Base Price is $275 and includes:

  • Living Room

  • Dining Room

  • One Bedroom

  • One Bathroom

  • or Entire Loft/Studio Apartment

    $50 for each additional room photographed.