a new year and some updates!

Hi there everyone! As you can see, I've finally put my blog onto my website. It took me about a million hours to figure out how to get it on here, but it's finally done! This means I can update everyone from my actual website!

First of all, I'd like to mention that pricing has changed for the new year, nothing too crazy but you can look at the pricing section of the website to see a few changes, and contact me with any more questions you might have.

Secondly, I've mentioned this a thousand times on my facebook page, but it really can't be said enough! We're having a baby at the end of this month!! The little on is due on February 3rd and we couldn't be more excited! However, this means that I'm not going to be available for photos until around mid April, depending on when baby decides to make it's grand appearance! But, that doesn't mean you guys can't still keep booking your sessions now!

Lastly, I'm still running a super awesome special! If you recommend a couple to me for a wedding and they end up booking in 2012, YOU will receive your sitting fee free of charge!

I believe that's all the updates I have for now! I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your new year!