Thomas | OKC Boudoir Photographer


This is my wonderful, kind, beautiful friend Thomas. No, Thomas cannot play the ukulele. Sorry, Thomas.

We shot his boudoir session back in January and it was an absolute blast. It’s not often I get to photograph someone in a bubble bath, especially a male person, so when he was on board with my idea, I was pretty stoked.

Ok, blah blah, boring description of this shoot over…. keep reading!

I have a question for you guys. Every time I have shown or posted one of these photos (below👇🏻), I get more than a few people who giggle, or say that the photos are funny, or that it made them laugh. My question to you is, why?

These photos are obviously not meant to be comedic (although I have seen male boudoir that is but I feel like it’s obvious when that’s the case), and I’m going to make an assumption here and say that if this were a female identifying person, you would not find these funny at all. Right?

I think these photos are beautiful and rival my most sexy lady boudoir. So, can we discuss? Is it an uncomfortable laugh people are having? Is it that we have trouble with embracing that men can be sexy, too? What do you think? I’m legitimately curious.

And while you’re thinking on it, enjoy these photos of Thomas. We had a lot of fun with these.